As many of you are aware the World Health organization as well as many federal and state agencies have declared the COVID-19 virus to be a pandemic. This has resulted in cancelations of many sporting events, concerts and other public gatherings and the shutdown of many schools and colleges.
The priority of Lundquist Associates Inc is the safety of all our workforce. We are addressing the COVID-19 with the following suggestions:
Any employee who is not feeling well or shows signs of the flu is asked to stay at home and consult with their doctor. If you or any of your family members have come in contact with anyone exhibiting flu symptoms of has tested positive for the COVID-19 you are asked to stay at home.
Limit person to person contact; no handshakes or fist bumps. We know that many of our workers are paired up to do tasks and take breaks or lunch together, if possible, maintain a separation of space to avoid contact.
Whenever is possible, wash your hands thoroughly or use a hand sanitizer or handi-wipes. When at home use a disinfectant to wipe down countertops, door handles and faucets. If possible limit your contact with others in public. Cover your mouth and nose if you have to sneeze or cough, using a tissue when possible and dispose of properly.
Use common sense and avoid contact with others who may show signs of being sick; at work or out in public. Whenever possible avoid large groups of people. Good judgement regarding personal actions with help to keep you and your family healthy.
There is an abundance of tips available both online, in the newspapers and during televised newscasts. For those of you seeking more information we have a couple links at
Lundquist superintendents and site foreman have the discretion to send a worker home if they exhibit flu symptoms or observe any worker coughing or sneezing without regard for the others around them.
Some of these measures will seem inconvenient but they are for the safety of our workforce and their families as well as the people we interact with on a daily basis. We thank you all for your efforts to help maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
Joe Bolis,
Field Safety Director
WJBII 2023